Child protection

American School Macedonia takes its duty towards all its pupils who have been entrusted to its care very seriously and seeks to provide a school environment where all children are safe, secure, valued, respected, and listened to.

American School Macedonia believes that there is zero tolerance for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and recognizes its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a commitment to practice that protects them.

Every person involved in our school has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role they play individually and collectively to ensure that the well-being and safety of all children and young people are at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.

In its planning, decision-making, and operations American School Macedonia will:

    • Provide protection for the children and young people,   regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, or beliefs, who receive the services of American School Macedonia. 
    • Ensure safer recruitment practices;
    • Provide staff with guidance on procedures they should adopt should they suspect that a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of harm;
    • Ensure that staff receive training and are aware of and committed to the Child Protection Policy and Procedures;
    • Establish a positive, caring, and safe environment in which children can learn and develop together;
    • Ensure that children and young people are aware who they can turn to and talk about their concerns;
    • Review the policy and procedures regarding child welfare and safety on an annual basis to see whether they are still relevant and effective.