I am currently in my second year of college, studying Applied Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
I started studying at ASM in my third year of high school after finishing the previous two years in a public school. I transferred to ASM because I wanted a better environment for pursuing my education, one with better student-teacher and student-student relationships, an environment where collaboration is of utmost importance.
The curriculum at ASM proved to be a great preparation not just for my field of study at university, but for any field of study because it prepared us to learn through reasoning and active thinking, something which I think is missing in most schools. The curriculum is well-made and allows students to get a good understanding of everything they study.
Some of the most useful skills I acquired at ASM were doing the research activities properly and writing the essays effectively. I also appreciate learning how to cite sources instead of unintentionally plagiarizing, something I am using a lot at university.
Do it if you want a good learning environment that will prepare you for your future endeavors. You can’t make a mistake by joining ASM. It is worth it.
I have many fond memories from ASM. I loved the different holiday celebrations and our involvement in helping with the organization. A moment I’ll always remember and be grateful for is the warm welcome after me and my classmate Matea won first and second place in the regional chemistry competition in 2019, when the teachers and staff congratulated us on our achievement with a beautiful chocolate cake.