Prospective parents

ASM Structure and School Staff Roles

ASM has a variety of support resources that are available to you and our students. The most important person to know from grades 1 through 4 is your child’s homeroom teacher. You can contact your child’s teacher by calling the school. For students from grades 5 through 12, you can schedule an appointment with any of the teachers through the school office.

ASM also involves other staff members who help families and students succeed in education:

    • The Principal is the lead school administrator. S/he serves as the instructional leader of the school and is responsible for the overall school operations.  
    • The Head of School Administration manages different areas, such as, student grade level placement, student discipline, scheduling, and other support services. 
    • The Elementary and High school guidance counselors provide leadership for the implementation of the curriculum, counseling for students, and consultation for parents and staff.  
    • The Child Protection Leads provide guidance in the event of a child protection allegation or concern. Leads also ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to minimize the risk of harm to children’s welfare. 
    • The IT Helpdesk Lead assists all parents and students in all matters related to the e-school environment.

Please feel free to contact the appropriate staff member with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child’s educational experience.

Registration of New Students at ASM

If you wish to enroll your child in our school, please visit the main office. Parents/guardians will be required to complete and return an Application Form, together with a copy of the child’s passport, and the last Report Card.

High School students whose native language is not English will be required to take an entry test in English and Math that will determine their level of English and appropriacy for their grade level. This will then be followed by student placement in the appropriate grade according to their language level. Please note that there is no English or Math entry test for Elementary school students.

Students who experience literacy and Math difficulties, especially those from grade 2 – 4, will be placed in the appropriate grade according to their abilities to cater for their needs. Should they be placed in a lower grade, they can easily move back into their age-appropriate grade level once they attain the required level of English proficiency. ASM offers tailored instruction in English language skills through the English as a Second Language (ESL) program for students.

General Schedule

The school day is divided into six teaching periods, each of forty-five minute duration.  

The school day begins promptly at 9.00am and students are expected to arrive at least ten minutes prior to the start of the first class.  

Between each period there is a five-minute gap. This is not to be regarded as break time but preparation time for the next class. There is a fifteen-minute mid-morning break after the second period where students may have a snack and a drink if they so wish. The lunch break is after the fourth period and is thirty minutes in length.  

 The school day ends at 2.30pm, and students are expected to leave their classes in a quiet and orderly fashion once dismissed by their teacher. 

Class PeriodClass time
Preclass (High School Classes only)08.10 – 08.55
Period 109.00 – 09.45
Period 209.50 – 10.35
BREAK10.35 – 10.50
Period 310.50 – 11.35
Period 411.40 – 12.25
BREAK12.25 – 12.55
Period 512.55 – 13.40
Period 613.45 – 14.30
After school classes/After school stay 14.40 – 15.25
After school classes/After school stay 15.30 - 16.15

General Information

Supplies/Materials/Issuing of School Books

On the first day of school each of the teachers gives each parent a supply list for each subject, listing required supplies/materials that students need to bring with them to class. Please make sure that your child has these supplies and brings them with him/her to the appropriate class. 

The school provides all students with textbooks. Their teacher(s) will give students their books during the first and second week of the school year. Books are only issued to students who have paid the first semester tuition payment. It is the student’s responsibility to look after the book throughout the academic year. All school textbooks are to be returned to the teacher who issued them at the end of the academic year. Damaged or lost books will require that the student pay 50 euros (per book) to the school.

General Attire and Appearance

The American School Macedonia school uniform must be worn by all students in grades 1 through 12. Uniforms are available from the school office. Students not wearing the school uniform will be sent home.

While students are waiting for the ordered uniforms, American School Macedonia expects all students to wear clothing that is appropriate for school, i.e. sweaters, T-shirts, trousers, jeans, skirts (no crop/tight tops, shorts, tracksuits, mini skirts), etc and comfortable/appropriate footwear. 

We expect all students to attend school in a clean, well-groomed fashion. Likewise, boys are expected to be clean-shaven, with short hair, not dyed, and are not to have any piercing or tattoos. Girls are expected to appear with light/no make-up and are permitted to have only one piercing per ear, no nose piercing and no tattoo.

Physical Education Dress Code

Appropriate sneakers for use ONLY at P.E., sport’s shorts and the orange P.E. T-shirt.

Monitoring Your Child’s Academic Progress

Parents have access to our electronic rollbook, SchoolTool. SchoolTool is a web-based program that assists parents in tracking their child’s progress. It enables parents to see their child’s daily grades in each subject, their absences and tardies, see the title of each lesson taught, and see assigned homework assignments and tests/quizzes. 

Grading System

American School Macedonia uses a grading system based on a letter system along with a percentage: 

A=90%-100%,B=80%-89%, C=70%-79%, D=60%-69% and below 60% is an F or fail.

Report Cards

ASM parents will receive report cards documenting their child’s academic progress every ten weeks, i.e., four times per year during Parent/Teacher meetings. These meetings are a good opportunity for the parents and teachers to discuss the progress of the child. Prior to the meeting, the parents are sent an electronic copy of their child’s Report Card.